Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist

Archive forJanuary 23rd, 2002 | back to home

23 January 2002
Filed under:Uncategorized at10:07 am

Hurrah! Amazon made a profit (at least last quarter)… I remember the days when Amazon was the bad guy among some of my friends – it was going to crush small independent bookstores (as if Barnes and Noble et al hadn’t done enough already). The fact is, however, that it does a good job and that it is important for the future well-being of the commercial Internet that someone major be seen to be profitable.account merchant credit card holder washingtoncard casino credit merchant cheap accountunited airlines italy credit alaska cardsphysician for review assistants commission accreditationrecords technician accreditedprotection creditor and plan 529sleep clinics accredited$30,000 credit bad loans Map