Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist

Archive forAugust 5th, 2002 | back to home

5 August 2002
Filed under:E-democracy at10:27 pm

They can be, of course, but one UK local councillor is already claiming that postal votes are for sale in his area for just £30. Future e-votes could be as well.

Voting that takes place in front of neutral scrutineers is not perfect but at least in a polling booth you can ensure your vote is free. If someone stands over you and watches you put your vote in an envelope then marches you to a post box or stands over you while you access a “secure” e-voting website there is no way to tell if you have been coerced or bribed.

The VoxPolitics blog has more on this and other e-goverment issues.

Filed under:Uncategorized at7:39 pm

An intriguing proposal – a whacky outgrowth of war chalking. Why not create your own bar code containing a URL and stick it as a comment on some location. Then people who happen to be walking by and carrying both a laptop and a bar code scanner can visit your site and read what you have to say.

Of course you could just write the URL itself, but presumably the bar code gives you the chance to encode more information and besides using a bar code is much more appealing to a geek…