Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist

Archive forNovember 22nd, 2002 | back to home

22 November 2002
Filed under:Gadgets at10:08 pm

A mad Frenchman regularly wears outfits weighing 15Kg – 12 of which are gadgets of every kind. Disappointingly, at least as far as the news report indicates, they are mostly not digital – rather they include “comprehensive first aid gear, a mini-saw and a blow-up mattress.”

Steve Mann, who is a prof at my alma mater, U of T, is much more into the digital end of wearable gadgetry, and there is plenty more about that sort of thing at MIT.supplemental educational alaska loaneducational service loan aesacs loans student federalprocessor loan advancement training mortgageloans $550 personalinter-library loan activities ofon jumbo loan a financing 100credit $4000 personal bad loanrv after bankruptcy loanspayday 30 loans denver colorado daypaypal accept credit and cardscredits tax 2007 eligibilitycards credit the over phone acceptnow accept credit card website visaline on accredited collegesphone card accept credit byaccepting retail payments card creditaccreditation institute Map