Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist

Archive forApril 28th, 2003 | back to home

28 April 2003
Filed under:Weblogs at6:19 pm

It was through Julian Bond’s RSSify utility. Check it out yourself – though of course it won’t be long before this is built into all weblogs automatically. I have discovered to my surprise via my site survey (please try it out!) that almost a third of respondents visit this site via my RSS feed.

It’s nice to see high tech being used to help with those on low incomes like bus users as well as businesses and the technology elite. I was envious when HP publicised its Real-time Transport Tracker which let Finns know when their next bus was approaching a stop near them via their mobile phone. Now I hear in the North of England a pilot scheme is using a central computer to coordinate the running of a fleet of door to door buses.