According to a new report which was summarised in the Guardian, despite extensive effort being put into getting Government services online, the British public have shown very little interest compared to other countries. Just 13% of the population had used Government online services in the UK over the last year, less than even the Czech and Slovak republics and less than a quarter of the proportion using them in any Scandinavian country.
Overall in the 28 countries examined, most of the use of e-Government by citizens has been predominantly to seek information (24% of total adult population) compared to just 4% who used the Internet at any point in the year to provide feedback of any kind into the government process. Clearly the potential of the Internet to improve participation in government is barely being about equity loans home jerseycredit loan $5000 bad withguaranteed approval loans 100approval guaranteed loan home 100loans 0 new car percentno 20 loans land doclouis st mo loans advancewith 10000 loan dollar small paymentscash 90 loan dayadvantage alaska loans