Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist

Archive forFebruary 27th, 2003 | back to home

27 February 2003
Filed under:Search Engines at10:12 pm

I was just referred to this article at serchenginewatch which points out that almost no search engine uses the “keyword” metatag any more because it has been so widely misused in the past.

It’s sad (but perhaps inevitable) that a concept that was designed to help build the Semantic Web (a web where computers will understand better what is on web pages and their relationship to each other) has been rendered useless by commercial misuse.

P.S. Talking about commercial poisoning search engines, Overture has bought the FAST web search engine – once a promising competitor to Altavista and the rest. Now like Altavista it has been purchased by a company that gets its money from providing paid-for web links to search engines (and about which I am rather suspicious).phone 24 loan 7words loan indian americanatlantic loan aloan online advance paydayarm 3 loan 1800 loan studentmortgage loan bad adverse credithr loans boat 24 Map