Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist
26 September 2003
Filed under:problems with technology,Spam,Weblogs at1:29 pm

Tom Coates comments on a phenomenon that I hope will not turn into a real problem – people posting spam as comments on weblogs. I’ve had some of that (which I have promptly deleted) but what I find odd is that none of it seems to have been automated – it’s actually been typed in by hand. I can’t imagine it would be worth anyone’s time to do that. But if someone finds a way to automate posting comments to popular weblogs it could start to become a real hassle.

I also seem to get a lot of people just typing stuff like ‘hi’ as a comment. I delete those comments as well since I can’t see anyone else being interested in reading it. If you do just want to say hello, please send me an email via my “contact me page”:http://www.davidbrake.org/contact.htm and if you can, tell me where you are from and how you found me.


  1. I blacklist comment spammers at cfrq, which means that they can’t get at _your_ blog either… Just so you know 😉

    Comment by Harald — 25 September 2003 @ 10:00 pm

  2. Interesting – I didn’t realise there were ways to identify and blacklist comment spammers already. Is it done by IP number? Is there some kind of “comment spammer realtime blacklist”?

    Comment by David Brake — 26 September 2003 @ 9:23 pm

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