I am not, shall we say, known for my cooking. But since my wife does the earning, it makes sense for me to hold up my end by wearing the chef’s hat. I usually use the Foodieview search engine to help me find stuff to do with the ingredients I have, but through it I found Recipe*zaar and as soon as I started using it I got that “Flickr feeling” all over again. For those who haven’t tried Flickr that’s the feeling you get when a website contains loads of really useful, well-thought-out features that help you use and contribute to it.
Recipezaar has over 150,000 recipes but its real genius is that with each you can see it in metric or imperial, change the serving size, see full (estimated) nutritional information and see ratings and comments from others. When searching for the recipe you want you can specify time to make, hot or cold, occaision, cuisine type or any of dozens of other ‘tags’. I don’t have time to enumerate all its cool features – check it out yourself. I don’t know why a site this good isn’t the talk of the tech blogosphere. Could it be that cooking just doesn’t interest 20 and 30-something male alpha geeks?
I haven’t made an exhaustive examination of recipe sites so please if you know of better ones let me know.
I’ve seen the thing to switch from metric to imperial and back on a few recipe sites; it can be less than intuitive because most recipes round for sense (21g isn’t that good a measure) but that’s an algorithm issue. But seeing the metadata for the recipes exposed, sliced and diced is nice. And it’s got the R in; the blogosphere likes sites with the R in
Comment by Mary Branscombe — 15 February 2006 @ 1:31 pm
I still don’t see what’s so special about Flickr. Well gosh, you can attach keywords to photos and comment on them. Nothing unusual there.
I like http://astray.com/recipes/ a lot.
Comment by David Cantrell — 16 February 2006 @ 11:41 am