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24 May 2002

A small, dedicated group has formed to lobby for better rural access to broadband in the UK. Except for some pilot projects, the Government has so far largely left broadband provision to the market, and low density or unprofitable areas have been left un-served or under-served. The Government is aware of the problem – this group will be trying to ensure more is done.

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31 March 2002

Another company springs up in the US (to acclaim from the tech community) to encourage people to share their broadband using their wireless network equipment. Joltage’s idea is similar to what Sputnik wants to do (except unlike Sputnik it doesn’t seem to be open source). The key (to me) is in this para from this Wired report:

“At $50 per month, a DSL line — if shared by multiple users — could easily eat up several hundreds of dollars’ worth of wholesale network traffic at the back end.

“As ISPs realize this stuff is going on, they’re going to start looking closer at the heavy traffic users,” said Mike Durkin, president of Raw Bandwidth Communications, a Belmont, California, provider of home DSL service. “Think Napster and how ISPs and universities can block it.”

I think this is where the whole concept will come unglued unless the telcos also get a slice. If they do get a slice, though, it could be a good business, especially if standard antennas start offering greater range. It might also be a good way to encourage the development of community-wide networks run by not-for-profit organizations in depressed areas (a particular interest of mine).

A depressing side note – it is possible that 802.11a – the higher speed, incompatible upgrade due in November – may have a smaller range (60 feet vs 300 feet), so if people start migrating to that then the opportunities for neighborhood-wide sharing would be less. (Another publication says that the range should be the same).

11 March 2002

Interesting piece on Sputnik which is trying to create an ad hoc commercial wireless network through “affiliates” who make their broadband connections available to Sputnik’s fee-paying members (presumably receiving some kick-back from Sputnik when they do so).

What isn’t mentioned in the article above is that to use Sputnik you have to dedicate a machine completely to acting as a server and you have to burn a CD-R with the software for the machine to boot from. My guess is that this will limit the user base to eager early adopters. If it were a Windows/Mac app that people could install and run in the background, then it might really take off…

Also not mentioned is what happens if DSL providers find large amounts of their bandwidth is being used by a bunch of people who are not only not paying the ISP any additional money but are paying some third party company. Sputnik itself asserts “Sputnik offers many benefits to ISPs” (without enumerating them) and they add, “Sputnik does not support any activities that violate an ISP’s acceptable usage policy”.

It remains to be seen whether they can resolve the underlying problems – but it is still good to see inventive people trying to create new solutions to the “last mile” problem!

P.S. Boingo Wireless is also offering wireless roaming, but with a more conventional business model.

31 October 2001

Public wireless Internet hits Manchester. Of course, contrary to what the article was saying there have been plenty of public wireless Internet access points scattered around the world before now – particularly in the USA. This will probably be one of the first to use Bluetooth when the first 70 sites launch in September, but since Bluetooth is extremely rare at present its impact may be limited. You can buy Bluetooth PCMCIA cards for your laptop for around £125 if you are interested…

Access points are being placed in restaurants, pubs and coffee shops – so you will have to at least buy a coffee to use it. I would love to see it provided in public libraries etc…

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