Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist

Archive forJuly 14th, 2002 | back to home

14 July 2002
Filed under:Positive uses of technology at11:31 am

The story of Bangladesh’s poisoned wells is a long sad one, but it looks as if at last there may be a happy ending. Aid agencies found that Bangladeshis didn’t have easy access to clean drinking water, so they helped them to drill wells. Unfortunately, they later found that many of these wells were polluted by arsenic and slowly poisoned the people drinking from them. A variety of alternatives have been sought, but at last I read that a Bangladeshi professor has invented a simple, inexpensive (£3/$5) water filter that should extract arsenic, lead and iron from drinking water. The UN is organizing a campaign to put the filter in all of the wells in the country.

Filed under:Old media at1:01 am

The New York Times points out not so much that the emperor has no clothes but that nobody seems to care any more whether he has clothes or not. Even in New York his films are not popular and people aren’t even coming to see his recent lawsuit with a former producer over his earnings.

I suppose I will always be a Woody Allen fan (cruelly one lawyer watching his trial says “His sense of humor is sort of frozen in the 70’s. He appeals to an older crowd.”)

Nonetheless I just discovered to my horror that I have missed his last seven films.