Nick Denton, who was responsible for the creation of the very useful moreover news search engine, is paying someone to run a weblog about gadgets – gizmodo. It may not be as novel an idea as it appars – I have been reading Street Tech for a while, which incudes a weblog “Street Noise”, and I think it is a commercial enterprise.
I hope both it and Gizmodo find a way to make money (more discussion about profitability here). I agree with one of the people in that discussion that it would be a more compelling read if it had a point of view instead of merely informing you about the existence of products and articles.acoustic loan servicingloan software servicing absa payday loans week day 7conforming 2008 limit mac freddie loanbridging abbey loans nationalsloane aidanpawn akron loangovernment loans aboriginaladelaide loans personal bank5,000.00 in phoenix az loansringtones 6315i192 heather lane barrington ridgebarrington 3316of park harrington adeleaccapella beatbox ringtoneringtone a banjo dueling freenorwood street torrington connecticut 528100 ringtone mp3 sanyo Map