Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist
3 December 2002
Filed under:Personal,Weblogs at1:27 am

It has come to my attention thanks to the hit tracking software I use that for some reason the third most likely physical location (as far as it can be determined) of those most likely to visit my pages appears, oddly, to be Poland. Unsurprisingly this comes after “Major Domains (.com, .net, .gov, .mil, .edu)” and UK but significantly ahead of Canada which has more Internet users and (I had thought) has more people likely to be interested in my writing.

If you are Polish, how did you hear about blog.org? According to this, blog doesn’t mean anything in Polish – that was my first thought… Perhaps the dictionary is incomplete? Any other ideas? Looking back I seem to have had substantial numbers of Polish readers for months.

Of course, I am delighted to be read by anyone who finds this interesting…


  1. Well, when I view your website, I’m coming from a .com address; ditto for most of the posls, I suspect. .ca domains never caught on much here, thanks to the silly rules they had for trying to keep the namespace “pure”.

    I suspect, therefore, that Canada is buried in the .com/.net/.org noise.

    Comment by Harald — 3 December 2002 @ 3:35 pm

  2. There are a lot of bloggers in Poland. Blog means exactly the same thing in Polish as in English, since it was quite recently (in last few years) borrowed it,

    Well, i found your page by typing “blog” “internet” and few other words into google 🙂

    Comment by szopen — 4 December 2002 @ 4:23 pm

  3. Given the rather small size of the Internet-using population, though, compared to other major countries like, say, Germany or France I don’t think this is explanation enough (unless every Internet user in Poland is a blogger!)

    Comment by David Brake — 6 December 2002 @ 1:18 pm

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