The first lengthy review of my weblog I have seen has appeared on The Weblog Review. I am pleased to hear that the reviewer, Wendy, says “David’s a good writer and typically knows his facts” but a little chagrined that she “was expecting something huge, something that would just jump out at and scream. I didnt really find that here.”
Oh well – keeping this updated daily takes me a surprisingly long time even though individual entries are often quite short, and the time I spend on it is (at least in theory) at the expense of other work so I guess I’m resigned to having a weblog that is not quite as useful or interesting as I would like it to be. I suspect if it was more personal and perhaps more strongly opinionated I could get more readers, but I was burned once before years ago by some over-frank remarks that were read by the wrong people so I will stick to being informative and/or entertaining in the areas I cover and you will only get the occaisional innocuous glimpse of my personal life.