Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist
15 September 2003

When I “posted earlier”:https://blog.org/archives/cat_online_media.html#000877 about The New Standard I forgot to mention another interesting example of alternative media different both from the IndyMedia and The New Standard styles. OhMyNews, a newspaper from South Korea, has thousands of “citizen reporters”. These get paid and go through the conventional editorial process but the pay is less than for conventional journalism and no credentials are necessary. This would seem to allow for the kind of “native reporting” (reporting by “ordinary people” and those directly involved in news events) that Chris Atton and others find a particularly appealling function of the new alternative media while preserving some of the quality standards that ensure good material is read and bad material hidden or discarded.

Significantly, OhMyNews seems to be successful as a business and a social phenomenon, though this may be in part simply because South Korea is one of the most wired countries in the world.


  1. whut

    Comment by ill-b — 30 March 2004 @ 8:43 am

  2. whut

    Comment by ill-b — 30 March 2004 @ 8:45 am

  3. 另類/小眾/基進媒體的儀式性

    傳播理論近百年來建立在現代國家及國族/城市的媒體之上, 如何用來讀另類媒體呢? 尤其是indymedia 或blog呢? 英國的Chris Atton系統地問另類/小眾/基進媒體的儀式性. 己經有一個blogger注意到OhMyNews…

    Trackback by 汗謄 — 3 November 2003 @ 7:26 am

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