Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist
1 September 2003

I have been going through the list of sites which visitors found this blog through and found some interesting results.

Whatis? is a handy dictionary of technology terms and a few weeks back it apparently nominated this weblog as one of its “Favorite Technology Blogs“. Thank you whoever put me on that list and I hope visitors find what they are looking for.

Also thanks to Kevin Morris at Becta for putting this weblog on a list of good weblogs for UK Online centres.

It’s nice to get visitors from French and Italian weblogs, and I’m gratified at the people from around the world including Brazil, Indonesia and Malaysia who have written in to ask to see some of the papers I have written.

On a lighter note, I noticed a few people coming from “http://www.web-shite.co.uk/” (now Roraz.com) which seems to specialise in linking to sites that are either gross or pornographic. I couldn’t figure out why until I noticed this entry for bl0g.org: “The mother of porn blog/user intergration/dirty/filthy/websites on the net. Either that or someone seriously needs to get a girlfriend.” Yes it’s pretty much as described and no it’s nothing to do with me! The difference one letter can make…

P.S. Someone recently wrote me to say that he read my weblog wasn’t going to be updated after Nov 2002. Has anyone read anything similar and if you have could you let me know where so I can correct that impression?of scary cast moviesapphic daily moviesmovies dbz hentaifree movies sex amaturehentai free porn anime moviessex movies free dildoporn fat free moviesgalleries hentai movie freeediting movie software freefree movies sucking matureinterrassisch Sybian MPEGsHahnerei interrassisch Geschlechtporn Spione Völlig Cartoonhentai Pissing Mädchenfucking moms Duaghtersverspritzend Anker Frauenpics bbw JapanischFrauen nackt 70 über Reifesexo interrassisch gratis de VideosTarzan Comic-Pornoscheißend GayMILF dp InterrassischKostenlos Lesben fuckingGroße Milch verspritzend TittenPapas teches Tochter Dick Mompuissy BehaarteBehaarte Kitzler teenrimming anal MädchenBlume Tucci interrassisch GeschlechtNacked Lesben

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