(Not me but I feel a bit like the above)
1) Our first baby is due in 5 days.
2) My (increasingly distant) hope is to upgrade from MPhil to PhD in two and a half months and to get as much work on the thesis done as possible before the baby disturbs my concentration.
3) We just found, agreed on and put an offer on a new place to live yesterday
4) Last night my wife managed to stab her finger – not seriously but seriously enough to go off to hospital to get it looked at and…
5) my iBook’s hard disk just up and died on me! Fortunately (?) I have some experience with hard disk crashes so when my disk began to show signs of dying (rattling noises etc) I backed it up pronto. But since I don’t now have a working Mac and since my backup is on a Mac-formatted Firewire drive I just realised I can’t access most of those files until I get my Mac back in ten days time. But in ten days time I suspect I may have other things on my mind than my iBook! Fortunately, I also copied a few critical files onto my wife’s PC and hopefully can therefore continue to work. As soon as my teeth stop grinding…
P.S. Don’t be surprised if because of the above – particularly 1) – this blog is not updated for a week or so. I don’t expect I’ll bore you with baby pictures – those will go up on the private blog…
hang in there David and congrats on the house. Make sure to let us know when the lil guy pops out
Comment by patrick — 16 April 2006 @ 5:31 pm
You think you are stressed NOW ? just wait. Seriously , think about renting or borrowing one from the people who are fixing you old one?
Good Luck
Comment by Russ — 17 April 2006 @ 9:23 pm