Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist

Archive for the 'Current Affairs (UK)' Category | back to home

16 May 2001

whodoivotefor A good idea badly done – answer questions about your policy views and it will tell you how you “should” vote in the upcoming UK general election, but I don’t feel the questions were well-chosen. Does anyone know a better questionnaire?

7 March 2001

The UK government has pledged that 10% of the UK’s energy will come from renewable energy sources by 2010. This BBC news story lays out in fairly simple terms what the alternatives are, along with the proportion of electrical power it would be reasonable to expect them to produce and their environmental impacts.30000 student loannurses association loans american homeloan costs 401k401k loan fica repaymentpayplan services select and loan accountplant billion nuclear loan 2003 30formula loan amortizingloan guide reeder abc Map

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