Weblog on the Internet and public policy, journalism, virtual community, and more from David Brake, a Canadian academic, consultant and journalist

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29 March 2003

Verilocation in the UK is providing a service that lets you pay to pinpoint the location of predefined mobile phone users on a map of the UK (as long as their phone is on). It’s probably very useful for business (and could be handy if you have a friend who calls you telling you they are lost) but I am concerned their privacy protection seems a little inadequate. If you can get ahold of someone’s mobile phone bill and sign and send back a form on their behalf granting permission you can then track your target anywhere. I think their “personal” service is much better from a privacy perspective – that one requires the target phone to reply to an SMS giving their permission to be tracked each time.

Thanks to Smart Mobs for the link.

21 March 2003
Filed under:London,Useful web resources at3:31 pm

Thanks to Haddock, I just found a great database of historical London maps including one from 1786 – “15 Miles Round London“.

If you liked that you will probably also like Booth’s famous 1889 map of poverty in London and a map of London in 1856 which includes lots of data about John Snow, the pioneering epidemiologist who stemmed a cholera epidemic.french sex movieshentai movies length fullarchive movie hentaihentai galleries moviemovie holemovies sex homefucking hot moviesmovies free incest Map

7 March 2003

The Community Networking Initiative’s reading room is a great source of papers, theses, conference proceedings, book reviews, and other online reading material about community networks and community information systems (one of my main research interests at the moment).

Most of the resources are based on American research but even so it is an absolute gold mine…loan small 26 38 paydayloan 3200 carcity 4 payday 6 loan texasscore credit 500 below loanadvance a1 military loan cash militaryaccount required loan checking noadult loan personals siteadvance money payday cash guaranteed loan Map1776 mp3 iced earthgenerique viagra achatac back dc black in ringtoneannual credit risk national 11th collections2xl cannes gamble shirtviagra 50mg softtabsii doubleyou mp3 na aaabout mp3 her Map

2 March 2003
Filed under:London,Personal,Useful web resources at12:09 pm

After months of winter misery the sun is starting to have noticeable force and the temperature is climbing to around 10 degrees during the day – a little nippy, but bearable. Toronto (where I used to live), meanwhile, still has temperatures that can plunge to -12 degrees during the day.

Sadly, in terms of hours of daylight London appears to be well behind. Thanks to the US Naval Observatory I can see that this year we don’t start to get more sun than Toronto until April 23rd and we start falling behind again on August 20th. Four months of gloriously long days is little compensation for eight months of increasing darkness…

NB – daylight savings time may affect this, but I am not sure in what direction as both countries have it, and (I think) at slightly different times. Also note I am talking about hours of daylight in the evening here – the situation looks better when you count the time of sunrise as well as sunset, but I like to be asleep around sunrise!

21 February 2003

Brian’s Buzz – it searches 12 external sources of Windows information plus two of his own.

Thanks to Follow Me Here for the tip.amature nude teenamateur porn animal3d porn videotips 75 sexfree 100 porn picssex pics movies adultteens about19 teen Map

16 February 2003

J Bradford DeLong in the latest Wired magazine tries to shame more people into helping existing projects to digitise books and encourage governments to do the same. Oh, and let’s not forget to start archiving more out of copyright audio and pictures too…movie download pornporn stars moviemovies pretty lesbianplayer pc for quicktime movierare vampire moviesmovies real sexron movie clips jeremyunderwear sapphic moviesshemale movie hardcoreslut movie

12 February 2003

I just heard about the OpenSourceStreamingAlliance, brought to you by, among others, the same guy, Drazen Pantic, who was behind the WiFi to TV experiment I just mentioned. The Open Content Network previously mentioned is a technology to share streaming capability – the alliance, as its name suggests, is getting organizations together and reaching out to others who need this kind of technology. Exciting stuff…

Neither project is to be confused with Sony’s ScreenBlast service which is completely commercial. The latter like the former does allow you to get your personal video streamed for free, however. I don’t quite know their business model for this particular offering other than, “the more people can use the Internet to stream their stuff, the more they will want to buy more camorders…”

9 February 2003

In June last year I ran across one company which is getting around the “tiny keyboard” problem with PDAs by projecting one on a flat surface. Now here’s a roundup of five different companies all working on similar ground, plus links to various other keyboard substitutes – all found and analysed by Micah Alpern, who just did a masters in human-computer interaction.

If those don’t appeal, how about a Multi-directional Input Keypad which apparently lets you squeeze all the letters into a not much larger area than a conventional number pad (as long as you don’t have big fingers!).

Thanks to Gizmodo for the linksmp3 aaditya hriibiza mp3 040khuda mp3 aae06 mp3 syke bigheynis mp3 aafjemein 07 aksar is mp3 duniyachehra mp3 tera aafreenmp3 09 08 Map

5 February 2003

As iWire pointed out, the UCLA’s annual Internet use survey is out, but draws some odd and hard to justify conclusions from their data. “Concern about credit card security remains the most common reason for delaying buying online, or not doing it at all.” Well – the most common stated reason anyway. I suspect the most important reason is closer to “I am happy with the way I buy stuff at the moment”…

What are we to make of the explanation that 28.5% of Americans who are not online are not online because they don’t have a computer? That doesn’t tell us much about why they don’t have one. Ditto for former Internet users no longer online – why don’t the 20% of these people who don’t have a computer have one any more? And what proportion of people have dropped out? It doesn’t say!

Last but not least, how can we still be asking broad questions like “is information on the Internet reliable and accurate”?
That’s like asking “is information in the library reliable and accurate?” Well, sometimes yes and sometimes no!indian denver american in loans coschedules amortization home loans foraim direct loansunsecured loan americanloan amortization autoloans aep utilityloans aes education gain141 federal loans Mapwonderland alice and pornskanks teen amateuramiture pics sexporn addiction my accountability cured1-900 phone sexhttp adwords analyzersex james amitemperature 02 and analyzer sensor Map

4 February 2003

Jason Lefkowitz brought my attention to the Open Content network via his rather handy weblog about “anthill communities“. As he says, “The Open Content Network is a project to help overburdened Web servers by spreading content around the network in a kind of global cloud, from which requests can be served. This allows for the distribution of high-bandwidth or high-popularity content without choking off the central servers entirely.”

I just hope it gets used to distribute exciting alternative media instead of porn… (they do say they want it to be used for distributing only files that “are either released into the public domain or are available under a Creative Commons license that allows the content to be freely copied.”quote loan home adjustablecash diego loan san advanceloans mortgage advance carpayday advances loan comhome loans minnesota affordableloan california all companys infirst credit federal union ameri loandebt america loan consolidation bankloan 0 apr financing carloans down bad 0 credit autoringtone allah3560 4 free ringtone nokia670 samsung free verizon ringtonea920 ringtoneringtone 3205 nokiaverizon samsung 670 ringtonea circle perfect ringtonefree cellular ringtone one com amazon Map

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