I’m just back from holiday in Brittany where I learned to windsurf – something I didn’t expect to be able to do and indeed something it’s rather un-like me to even want to learn but it makes a contrast to my sedentary recreations during the rest of the year. No pictures, alas – you’ll just have to take my word for it that not only did I figure out how to get up and stay up on the thing but I even figured out how to turn it around which was all the harder for me because I had to un-learn how I expected it to work from when I used to sail in boats.
Current tasks (in no particular order)
- Figure out what order I should be doing these tasks in

- Finish tinkering with my book proposal from my thesis and send it to publishers
- Finish thesis revisions and return to examiners so I can call myself Dr Brake without embarrassment
- Prepare for hopefully minor struggle to enable me to release my thesis under Creative Commons instead of copyright (if I manage this I hope it might help push others to do the same)
- Finish the latest three job applications (getting repetitive strain injury from copying and pasting details from my CV onto application forms has been absorbing much of the last few months)
- Put together postdoc applications
- Figure out ways to make Google Apps work in some way approximating an integrated system instead of a grab-bag of miscellaneous services to help the administration of the EU Kids Online project.
Notwithstanding the mini-mountain of tasks described there things are good. I’m rested from the holidays, really enjoying being back on the conference circuit again (Transforming Audiences 2), about to have a job interview, unexpectedly may get funding to go to ICA 2010 in Singapore (I love travel, climate crisis notwithstanding)…
Love to talk more but I’m off to dinner at Les Trois Garcons (paid for by someone else!)